Monday, August 10, 2009

Carrah is WALKing!

I cannot even believe i'm saying that my baby girl is walking. It seems like she was just coming into this world. It's amazing how quickly time flies.

Sometimes I feel as though I lost time just enjoying her because I was trying to figure out what was "wrong" with her for so long. Now that we know she has Albinism, I can relax and spend time with her.

She started taking steps a few weeks ago, but now is letting go of things and taking off quite often. Sheis becoming more and more brave with each day.

It's so awesome to watch her take her first steps and get what she is going after. The Opthamologist told me when she was first diagnosed, that she may not even be able to walk down a hall without help. Praise God she is proving that Dr wrong!! :)

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